02 November 2011

Curious eyes of the "glass frog"

The "glass frogs" of Central and South American are remarkable for their translucent skin, but I find their eyes equally fascinating.  The photo above is from National Geographic Daily, and the one below from Animal Planet.
I can't tell whether that pattern is vascular, or just pigment.  It must provide some type of survival advantage, presumably for camouflage rather than mating or vision.  Perhaps someone knows...

p.s. - equally cool is the eye of the red-eyed tree frog.


  1. http://ucsdpepband.com/officers/hypnotoad.gif

  2. Looks like Kermit had a rough night.

  3. Well, bigjohn756, it's not that easy being green.

    Sorry, couldn't help it. Don't throw rotten veggies at me.

  4. I don't know what made his eyes like that, but I'm gonna find out and try some. But please, lets
    keep it on the down low so the politicians don't catch wind of it.


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