02 November 2009

Five times as big as the Titanic

The "Oasis of the Seas," the largest cruise ship (6,000 passengers) ever built, is shown traversing the Solent on its way to Fort Lauderdale, where it will begin its maiden voyage to Haiti. To Haiti?

More pictures and data at the Daily Mail.

Via Titam et le Sirop d'Erable.


  1. The photo foreshortens it somewhat, I think. Supposedly it's as long as the Empire State Building is tall.

    Still, it's just about the ugliest thing that's ever been inflicted on the ocean. @Robb, well said.

  2. I'm sure that doesn't piss the people of Haiti off. "Nice ship. Well, time for me to go back to my cardboard and corrugated steel mansion."

  3. Hope they have enough lifeboats for everyone this time.



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