01 October 2009


Another flash game, for which the "rules" apparently have to be intuited by trial and error. I'm still trying to figure out how/when the colors propagate from the edges or corners to opposite edges.

My best score so far is 21. Harder than it looks.

The above image is a screencap. The game is here.

Via Neatorama (darn it, Miss Cellania - I have work I need to do!).


  1. This thing is fun, I just did it in 16 :)

  2. Fascinating. After 4 tries, did it in five. It was amazing, the second disk I turned set of a chain reaction the cleared all but three tiny clusters...3 more clicks and I was done.

  3. The colours will propagate as long as the turned disc matches one of the two lines extending from its middle with a line on an adjacent disc. If two lines connect, the colour will propagate to the next disc and each disc will turn a quarter turn, and so on, until the last disc in the series meets a disc with no lines to which it can connect.

  4. The colors change from the edges in a wrap-around effect in response to a disc that flips on the opposite edge. I got down to 12 moves, but I just realized I wasn't factoring the wrap-around effect into my game strategy. Hmmmm.

  5. Okay - never mind - not as straightforward as that. There is a wrap-around effect, but there some other rule involved as to when it happens.

  6. I've had a consistent low score of 19, but I just got ten, woo!
    Also, cannot figure out the wraparound rules at all. Grr.


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