09 April 2009

Street theater in Antwerp

Antwerpen Centraal gaat uit zijn dak want Op zoek naar Maria komt er aan! Bekijk hier hoe meer dan 200 dansers en danseressen het station op zijn kop zetten op het klanken van de Sound of Music!
Most people will consider this to be unutterably corny, but there's a certain cheerful aspect to it. The performance occurred at Antwerp's central railway station; it's not a flash mob, but rather a well-organized and choreographed presentation.

In a time of economic gloom and doom, something like this may serve a useful purpose.

- via The Daily Dish


  1. Awesome way to start a morning.. I'll be singing all the way to work now!

  2. I love these. You're right that whimsy is more important now than ever.

  3. Looks like T mobile will be going round to a train station near you for there lates add campaign


  4. Thanks for posting this...smiles all around.

  5. I absolutely love it! On the strength of this my youngest has extracted a promise from me that she can join a theatre troupe.

    The Flemish blurb underneath by the way says
    'Antwerp Central Station goes wild with In Search of Maria. Watch here how more than 200 dancers turn the station upside down to the Sounds of Music!'

    (If there’s anyone out there who’s got a better English translation for “uit z’n dak gaan”, let me know!)

    P.S from Yarrow- I seriously wanna join a theatre troupe after watching this!! It looks soooo much fun!!! :D

  6. Reminds me of ImprovEverywhere's Food Court Musical

  7. >Most people will consider this to be unutterably corny

    What a cynical thing to say! Find me a soul who finds this anything but touching. This and Susan Boyle make tears flow with joy.

  8. That was incredible.
    In these uncertain times when morale is low, we all need a lift... and what better way to do it than with joyous and unexpected entertainment?


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