06 April 2009

Job losses in recessions

Res ipse loquitur. (Credit)

Addendum: Please note that this is an update to the chart presented in February by FiveThirtyEight. The curve for the current recession now drops much lower.


  1. On the positive side... we always recover!

    On the negative side... even assuming the line for this recession were about bottomed out, it still looks like another 40-50 months until full recovery (based on that chart alone)

  2. I thought this looked familiar when I first saw it...

    Political/statistical blog FiveThirtyEight ran a great post a couple months ago about how this graph means we're probably in for a longer recession.


  3. Yeah, if you watch PBS News Hour with Jim Lehrer, they talk about job losses at least once a week.

    I tried to get rehired for 8 months, then my sister-in-law helped me apply and get into school. I've been in school since October and I'm staying for now. The better degree I graduate with, the better job I'll get.

  4. Jay C - Please note this is an update of the chart you saw earlier. On the original, which predicted a long recession, the curve for the current dip was in with the others; now it has dropped way below the previous ones.


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