16 April 2009

Etonians prepare to participate in "The Great War"

Eerste Wereldoorlog : Mobilisatie, oorlogsverklaring : Jongens van het Eton college tijdens oefening, met pakken aan en hoge hoeden op en geweer over de schouders. Engeland, 1915.*
Photo credit Nationaal Archief, Spaarnestad Photo, SFA022801433

*The Great War. First World War, mobilization, declaration of war: pupils of Eton college exercising in suit and high hat, rifle over the shoulder. England, 1915.


  1. No matter what anyone says, the Estonians go to war with class. Love the top hats.

  2. Brian, do you have a job? Is this your job?

  3. Estonians?
    I've never seen a top-hat in Talinn.

    Of course, this pic made me think, instantly, of The Eton Rifles, by The Jam, link : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lG0L86DRuC8

    And of course, Linsay Anderson's 1960s movie, "If".

    My school taught me to march with a rifle on my shoulder, to strip and reassemble a Bren gun, to ambush an armoured vehicle and disable it, to set trip-flares and other booby traps. I was fourteen, and being prepared for the cold war years. When the russians (including a few estonians) started to roll across europe we would all need to be ready to fight....

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I would just like to point out that I have achieved a special level of prominence here on TYWKIWDBI. I am so hated, and so feared by some, that they are unwilling to meet me in the arena of ideas, to debate issues openly and honestly. I laugh at these anonymous attacks, because they prove one very important thing:

    That I have stated my opinion and points well, and am making an impact. Thank you Anonymous for granting me that knowledge.

  6. Brian, I would just like to point out that silence has never proved anything - all it proves is silence. But it does allow those basking in the silence to dream up all sorts of opinions (nonsense?) :)

    I am a fan of the hats though.

    So Brian - what is it you would like to discuss and debate?


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