02 April 2009

April 12 will be "Small Blog Appreciation Day"

I won't be blogging for the next several days while I take care of some family matters and some IRS paperwork, in that order. In the meantime I'll leave this message at the top of the blog.

I'm going to designate Sunday, April 12 as "Small Blog Appreciation Day." I started TYWKIWDBI in December of 2007, and it wasn't until April 12, 2008 that someone finally linked to me; that gave me a Technorati authority of 1 (corresponding to a rank of about 3,000,000), and the sense of actually having a place in the blogosphere.

During this past year as the links have accumulated, I've kept track of each and every one, going to the linking site to see what the blog is like and adding quite a few to my folders of blogs to monitor. Most of the early links came from very small blogs (half of them with authorities <20).

Now in an effort to acknowledge those early links, I'd like to create a post that includes a list of blogs that have linked to TYWKIWDBI. If you were one of those bloggers and would like to participate (it's voluntary; I won't list anyone who doesn't request such), just go to the Comments section for this post, and write -

  • The name of your blog
  • The url (it won't be clickable in the comments section, but I can cut and paste), and
  • One or two sentences (max) describing what focus or theme your blog has.

  • I would expect that probably a few dozen of you will respond, and I'll then compile the data into a list sort of like the list I made of entries for the Weblog Awards. The idea isn't so much to get you a link to your blog as it is to put your blog out where a few thousand TYWKIWDBI visitors can at least see the name and summary. Based on the (nonscientific) theory that people who like the same things might like one another, you might get a few dozen hits, and perhaps a handful of regular visitors.


    1. What a great idea! I've marked my calendar...

      The Pajama Pundit

      http://thepajamapundit.com/ (clickable!)

      A place for varying political ideologies to come together and discuss issues. Character attacks are forbidden, which helps to open up the dialogue. Politics and media are the primary focus, with a little bit of entertainment thrown in as well.

    2. Is this only open to "small" blogs? Mine is about the same size and age as yours.

    3. No - I didn't mean to imply a size limitation. I think this arrangement will be most useful for small blogs, but if someone wants to write an entry for Neatorama or BoingBoing, that's just fine.

    4. Cool idea! I like your blog and have linked to it. Ours is:


      Based from an independent bookshop in Lionville, Pennsylvania where we sell used and rare books. We post about publishing news, what we've read recently, and anything else that strikes our fancy as book-lovers.

    5. I love this idea, and can't wait to check out all the other "small" blogs networked through TYWKIWDBI.

      My linkblog is called Zeitgeist in a Petiole, at http://zeitgeistinapetiole.wordpress.com/

      I started the blog as an alternative to bombarding my email lists with viral tidbits, with an eye toward showing how net culture and so-called "real life" are intersecting and growing into a new culture whose contours are still taking form. Actually, it's really just stuff I like from the web, and I also throw in the occasional bloviation for good measure.

    6. Just saw this post in my RSS feed. I added your site to my feeds because I thought that you would either provide inspiration (you have) or a link that I would use in my new blog (haven't yet, but will). Plus, your posts are entertaining.

      The theme of my site is still evolving, but will focus on wealth, etc. with a bit of an irreverent twist (this is where sites like yours come in). Thanks.


    7. I'm so excited about this! I can't wait until the day people link to ME! I really enjoy your blog, it's been a fun, fun, read!

      http://www.carriejohnson.me/ (main site, linked off of this page)

      http://www.carriejohnson.me/Portal/Internet_Stumblings/Internet_Stumblings.html (Internet Stumblings page, a collection of internet finds--it's a big world out there, I'm just trying to condense it)

      http://www.carriejohnson.me/Portal/Personal_Blog/Personal_Blog.html (A personal blog on the adventures of Carrie and her Pack!)

    8. Okay, I'm in!

      uncouth heathen


      uncouth heathen focuses on religion, gay homosexuals, history, poor animal behavior, the merits of Xena: Warrior Princess, and updates on my successes and failures in getting my wife to take off her shirt. you won't be disappointed! well, okay, you might be.

    9. I linked you on my blog uncleputts.vox.com

    10. I found out about TYWKIWDBI through The Daily Dish and now you are both required daily reading for me.

      Brain Rage


      The site started out predominantly as a political blog early in the last presidential race (I've been an Obama fan for years now) but has expanded to include art, literature, science, history, religion, technology, pop culture and anything else I find interesting. Part Internets DJ and part pissed off ranting, I do it purely for fun and have no plans to become rich or famous as a result.

    11. Mindbook


      Mindbook is a blog about poetry, poetics, and poesis; in it, I am unfolding ideas that have anchored my own long practice as a poet, and exploring the connection between the individual body and the body politic.

    12. Mercury's Garden


      I cover conspiracies and comic books. I have posted a rather large collection of comic book images that resonate 9/11, and they were printed prior to 9/11. Here is an example.


    13. TYWKIWDBI is one of 4-5 blogs I check on a daily basis. I just started a news satire blog and it would be an honor to have my site posted with the others.

      News Grift


      Satirical news encompassing technology, business, sports, politics, and other assorted subjects.

    14. Thanks, Minnesotastan (I'll spare ya my first attempts at pronouncing that M word- let alone your blog name)!

      Reciprocity Failure


      A Blog about: Photography, Life and the Occasional UFO...

    15. I love blogs. People are incredibly fascinating and every so often you find people who can be defined as "cool." This is a crazy fun idea. Love TYWKIWDBI. <3


      Spotlight Sunburn

      Almost brand spanking new blog that chronicles the slow but steady journey through the world of showbusiness, theatre specifically. The ins and outs of acting classes, business tidbits, links to resources, artistic insight, and, hopefully, eventual discussions and shared experiences with readers.

    16. What a lovely idea of yours! I remembered that, when I first landed on your blog, I spent quit some time going through the posts. It was so interesting! You're one of my daily readings.
      So, my blog is:
      a.k.a Titam et le sirop d'érable (Titam and Mapple Syrup).

      Well, it deals with a lot of things, funny things, graphism, music, and medical history. Well, it's all in french, but many posts don't require you to speak the language.

    17. Hi Stan,

      Like others who have posted here, I am a regular visitor to your fabulous blog. My own blog is for visual thinkers and lovers of the visual arts. Thank you for this opportunity to expand awareness of my VERY SMALL blog.



    18. What a fun idea. I found your blog because someone had linked to it as a fellow weblog nominee.

      I am a thirty something woman, bravely embarking on a new career as a(n intern) winemaker. This blog is about wine, winemaking, and eclectic interweb goodness.



    19. The iHandbill was started last September and is "a retired journalist's take on the news."

      Most of my work also appears as a contributor to The Rag Blog, a progressive web magazine out of Austin, Texas.

      Thanks for the wonderful diversity on TYWKIWDBI! I am on a week's "Spring Break" but will be posting again next week. I also do all my own graphics for the articles.


      Larry Ray

    20. I blog primarily for Indian Americans, but have stuff which will interest almost everyone.
      You are on my daily reading list. Nice blog.

      My blog is at:

    21. Congratulations on a bumper year. I've linked to your site since even before you singularly claimed to blog "incessantly". However, incessantly pretty much describes my visiting habits:
      - Cooper Green: Lying Bastard

    22. Bumper crop of requests. I too have linked to you, and enjoyed your content.

      My blog's theme is much the same as yours... a repository of things I find interesting, and stuff that is primarily of interest to me, that others may in turn find useful.

      Endomental: http://www.endomental.com

    23. Great idea Stan,

      Eyesights In Time is a "slightly to the right of center" daily blog that explores politics, technology, humor, parenting, and the whimsical events that surround our lives. It's a place for intelligent debate, a few laughs, and even the occasional informational tidbit.

      I seem to be a card carrying member of the TYWKIWDBI "Loyal Opposition", even though in all probability Stan and I agree on most issues (that's what happens when you're mostly centrist.)


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