13 February 2009

Concert for deaf people

Not a joke.
...the second ever concert for the deaf (they had already tried out a test gig I think somewhere) is taking place in Toronto’s Clinton’s Tavern on March 5th, with a series of Canadian performers and bands (that I’m discovering while I’m writing this here article) such as Hollywood Swank, The Dufraines, Fox Jaws, Dj Stephane Vera and some other acts that you can actually see on this flyer I just found.
(Via BoingBoing)

1 comment:

  1. With enough bass and atmosphere, the music can actually be very enjoyable... even without actually hearing all the notes. I have no idea how they are setting it up, but a deaf person can feel a lot of the lower notes. At high enough volume it starts to pressurize and rarify your chest cavity! In fact, I enjoy concerts best with a pair of ear plugs in, I still hear the music, of course (but without harsh overtones from amplification), but a side benefit is you can feel the music more. :)

    Of course, if it is set up primarily for the deaf to enjoy, it has the possibility to blow out healthy eardrums...


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